![]() Draughts poem December 5, 2014: the English translation is found below the draughts board! ![]() Explanation for the non-Dutch: December 5 is the day of our Santa Claus (Saint Nicolas), giving presents to each other within a 'surprise package' and with a nice poem, instead of X-mas: "O, that Tom is so busy, again, with some tiny draughts problem. Again a new draughts composition, that's really mean. That draughts society on there best, solution has been tested. Cannot go to bed, the morning after occupied again. Thy are warned for those tiny draughts bosses. The Saint" Zag wel direct dat Sint een écht damprobleem had gecomponeerd, maar kwam er pas veel later achter dat Sint het had gecopiëerd, namelijk dat "toverprobleem" op de startpagina van de site: Immediately, I saw that the Saint had composed a réal draughts problem, but it took a while
before I realised that he had copied an 'magiciannary problem' of the homepage of the site: Ook een damgedicht gekregen of in het bezit van andere dam-curiosa: stuur ze mij toe voor een plek op de website! Tom Kieboom. Also received a draughts-related poem or something else of curiosa: end it to me and I will
place it on the website! Tom Kieboom