Every two months our journal De Problemist (merely in Dutch)
      is published, containing 30-40 pages with circa 250 diagrams.
So, also without knowing the Dutch language, you may enjoy it to a great extend!

See the front pages and contents of recent recente issues of De Problemist,
and view on-line De Problemist of  December 2014February 2016,
and  April 2017  to get a first impression!

 You also may ask for a free issue of De problemist by e-mail to our chairman,  
André Schokkerto experience how our 'hardware'-paper De Problemist feels.

A one-year subscription costs only € 55 per year,
apart from abroad mailing costs, depending on where you live:
 send an e-mail with your name and address.

Any doubts? Feel free to contact André Schokker with your questions!

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