Draughts problems

New problems to solve      Arne van Mourik

    Coumn with everytime surprising stories around 30 new draughts problems
    that have to be solved. Please, send Arne new problems for his column!
    Solutions of these problems may be sent in within two months and will
    be published after again two months in De Problemist, including comments
    of the participants and of a guest draughts player or draughts composer.

    You my join on every moment to participate in this ladder solution game!

Scroll through the DP issues of December 2014 and February 2016,
and view the 30 problems of April 2016 + solutions and comments of August 2016.

Also enjoy the three examples of the draughts players Roel Boomstra, Pim Meurs en Arjen Timmer:

The best problems of  ten years ago        Menno Veldstra

Everytime, a critical revieuw on problems published ten years ago in De Problemist.
     Menno shows a selection of the best problems, including solutions and comments.

     In this way, one may enjoy again of the most beautiful compositions from the past!

Three problems of Pieter van Deursen, Hub Simons en Janus Wuijtenburg. De Problemist December 1994.

Many more beautiful problems can be solved and/or played in the Showroom of this website!

How a draughts problem is composed        Tom Kieboom

    Draughts composers tell their story behind the scene: what's the way
    their compositions have been derived?  
    Was it just luck or hard work to achieve a beautiful composition?
    And what's their way (technique) of composing?   
    A number of interesting stories in De Problemist (in Dutch), but joyful
    for everyone, through the many diagrams and notitions given, to see!  

Now, three examples from the draughts kitchens of Ardjan de Jong, Tjipke Smedinga, and Hein Wilsens.

 Nederlands         English