Memorial Alain Vermeulen

The Memorial Alain Vermeulen is an International Draughts Problems Contest, organized by the Conseil Technique du Problème. Problemists from all countries, except Russia and Belarus, are allowed to participate in the contest.

Regulations of the contest

1. The contest runs under International rules of the CPI FMJD (part 1) specified in the year 2002 (RI-2002) at Master-level. The RI-2002 are placed:
In French:
In English:
In Russian:

Alain Vermeulen (1947-2022)

2. Category A: Miniatures with the colour-balance from 5x5 till 7x7 are to be accepted. A difference of only one pawn is tolerated. Allowed are: miniatures published (including on the Internet) after 31 December 2020, and unpublished miniatures. The task for the miniatures is: “White to move and to win”.

3. Not accepted are:
3.1 Miniatures which participated or are participating in a competition, independently on whether miniatures were published or not.
3.2 Miniatures with a white piece or white pieces on squares 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in the initial position.
3.3 Miniatures with a black piece or black pieces on squares 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 in the initial position.
3.4 Miniatures that are variants of the same author.
3.5 Miniatures with a King(s) in the Initial position.
3.6 Miniatures composed in co-authorship.
3.7 Miniatures sent by ordinary post.

4. Category B : Problems with the colour-balance from 9x9 till 12x12 are to be accepted. A difference of only one pawn is tolerated. The problem must include, at a minimum, one white king and one black king during the combination (that is to say, before the possible motive or endgame). Allowed are problems published (including on the Internet) after 01-01-2020, and unpublished problems. The task for the problems is: “White to move and to win”.

5. Not accepted are:
5.1. Problems which participated or are participating in a competition, independently on whether problems were published or not.
5.2. Problems that are variants of the same author.
5.3. Problems with a King(s) in the Initial position.
5.4. Problems composed in co-authorship.
5.5. Problems sent by ordinary post.

6. Everybody who wishes to participate in this contest may send no more than two miniatures in the first category and no more than two problems in the second category. Compositions should be send before 16 November 2024 to the email-address of the organisator, Nicolas Doubovy: .

7. An infringement> of one of the regulations written in paragraphs 1–6 is ground for not being admitted to this contest. Participating in this contest means that a participant agrees with regulations of this contest.

8. No changing is admissible after the deadline of sending.

9. This contest is run in two stages: Preliminary and Final. At the Preliminary stage every jury-member selects 20 compositions in each category for the Final stage. As a minimum 20 compositions in each category, which obtain the highest sum of votes of all jury members, are selected for the Final stage. At the Final stage every jury-member ranks the selected compositions in each category to places starting from the first place. The winner is to be defined according to the lowest-sum of places for one composition in each category after one lowest place and one highest place, given by all the jury-members, will be eliminated. If two (or more) participants obtain an equal lowest-sum of places, the best score in the votes of the 5 judges will be taken into account to decide between them.

10. The winner of each category will receive a reward gift with French specialties.

11. The jury-members are: A. Kaciuska (Lithuania), A. Panchenko (Ukraine), A.J. Timmer (Netherlands), H.J.N. Simons (Netherlands, category A), A.J. de Jong (Netherlands, category B) and N. Doubovy (France). The arbiter of the contest is S. Yushkevitch who will receive the notes of the entire jury for the preliminary phase and for the final phase. The contest will end on 31 March 2025.