Solving and making of problems

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Problem column

    All year one can participate in the solution contest in De Problemist.
    Arne van Mourik presents in each issue thirty new problems for solving
    in this column.  
At any moment, one can start to participate with the solving contest.
Solvents and comments appear in a subsequent issue of De Problemist. 

A subscription on De Problemist is required, € 40 per year, giving you 180 new problems and more.
je dan ook wat: 180 nieuwe problemen plus heel veel meer.

Scroll through the issues December 2014 and February 2016,
and view the 30 problems of April 2016 + solutions and comments of August 2016.

End games

    This column, by Gerrit de Bruijn, offers each time a number of
    compositions of end games to be solved.

    Also something challenging to do and enjoy!

    The solutions are given in a next issue of De Problemist, including
    comments and extensive analysis of all (im)possibilities.


    Oege Dijkstra is the editor of this very appreciated column.

    Each issue of De Problemist contains a number of new compositions 
    to be solved, inwhich forcings play a major role.

    The next issue of De Problemist presents the solutions, including
    comments and analysis of the compositions.   

Society of Draughts Composing (KvD) 1941-2016

View the the winning problems of category  A  and  B

Congratulations to the six prise winners:
A:  1. V. Kravtsov, 2. G. van Mastrigt, 3. P. van den Berg
B:  1. A. van der Stoep,      2. A. de Jong,        3. V. Matus

Detailed judgement: De Problemist of February 2017

View also the KvD-75-jubilee webpage 1941-2016:
composition contest, books ánd compositions together! 

Yearly KvD reunion

Members of the Draughts Composing Society, automatically receiving De Problemist, 
are invited for a reunion, including a solution as well as a composition contest.
    During the September 13, 2014 gathering in
    Bunschoten, Arjen Timmer won the composition
    contest with a quite elegant 7x7 miniature, just
    before Arie van der Stoep (similar 7x7, but with
    a less beautiful initial position).
    André Schokker won the solution contest,
    now just before others through his finding of an
unsharp ending in a composition. The overall winner was Arne van Mourik, who participated
succesfully both contests. See the pictures.

Gerrit de Bruijn was the winner solving of the 2015 reunion: see the problems and solutions!
Winner of the composing contest was Pieter Kuijper with this composition.
The overall winner was Leen de Rooij, the only participant of both contests.

Alldraughts organised in 2014 during the 'Heerhugowaard Open' tournament,
    together with De Problemist a composition contest, an initiative of Jasper Lemmen.
    During X-mas 2014 and in 2015, together with De Problemist,  also a number of
    problems to be solved were published.
    Unfortunately, the site Alldraughts expired and the problems are lost.

Kring voor Damproblematiek

    In 2013 there was a X-mas solution contest, organised by the chairman of the KvD,
André Schokker. Play the problems and see the solutions of these four draughts
    problems, in moving diagrams!
    X-mas 2014 showed a different approach: in addition to a solution contest on this site
    coupled to a full on-line December issue of De problemist, other solution contests
have been initiated , o.a. in Het Damspel  en de Volkskrant and on the former site Alldraughts.

Harm Wiersma

    X-mas 2013: Harm Wiersma presented a quite peculiar solution contest by his column
    in the journal 'De Telegraaf': a demonstration of the various forms of draughts!
    See the curious  problems and solutions.


    For learning yourself to solve and compose draughts problems, our Showroom
    of Tom Kieboom on our own site is a fine aid!
    It contains a beautful variety of problems, from small to huge, without solutions.
    In this way, you may try to find the solution and, if you don't succeed, can play
    the moving diagram in order to see the solution.
    Three examples of the Showroom by Jacques van Velzen, Jaap Viergever en Jan Vink:



    Making a draughts problem is a special kind of art, of which you may ask
    how a problem has been created?

    The inspiration, where does it come from, was it by hard work or by accident,  
    how long took it to accomplish, which technics and aids have been used?

Draughts componists tell their personal stories in the column "Hoe ontstaat een damprobleem?"
('How a draughts problem is made?') in De Problemist.

Leen de Rooij, March 23, 2017 (translated):

"Inspired by a motif of Jan Scheijen and by the poem "May" 
of Herman Gorter, I've made a series of draughts problems
that fit the beginning spring.
I myself was very satisfied with this series, but, may-be, I'm 
not really objective, search in 'nieuwe lentegeluiden'."

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