News    2015    2014
                                        News 2016  
Daily news on  Facebook  &  Twitter  of the KvD

KvD 75-jubilee composition contest
Click here for information, compositions, solutions, and prise winners.

Two KvD-jubilee books have been published (in Dutch):
'Draughts with a wink' by Arie van der Stoep and 'Hotels, settlements and clubhouses' by Arne van Mourik
Both books can be ordered by an e-mail to the KvD librarian, Arne van Mourik!
New year greetings by Arne van Mourik to the webmaster
ánd to his loyal followers, with two fantasies!

75 compositions 'KvD 75 year' of Arjen Timmer for all draughters:
game players and analists, composers and solvers!
(After the Dutch introduction, you may fully enjoy the compositions given)

December                                Month of De ProblemistSubscribing?

Special for 'non-readers' of De Problemist & 'non-followers' of KvD facebook
Mini-X-mas solution contest of Martin van Dijk
Firm solution main course for the holidays: eight problems in game-like positions of Martin van Dijk.
In February, the solutions will be given in De Problemist, on facebook, and on the website.

(Source: Hein Wilsens, De Problemist & Henk van der Heijden, KvD facebook, December 2016)

Janus Wuijtenburg
Passed away December 20, 2016 in the age of 73.
Friday December 23,
from 7.00-8.00 pm, there is a farewell meeting (De Wilbertsdries 13 in Bakel, The Netherlands).
Saturday December 24, at 10.00 am is the cremation (Crematory Boschhuizen, Spurkterdijk 40 in Venray, The Netherlands).  

This draughts composer has made more than 300, often beautiful, draughts problems.

An In Memoriam will be published in De Problemist Februari 2017.

Correction diagram 12 of De Problemist December 2016, p. 197: white misses a man on square 47!

Jan Vink
Passed away December 16, 2016 in the age of 89. Thursday December 22, a farewell

meeting starts at 12.30 on the 'Algemene Begraafplaats' in Zeist, The Netherlands
(the funeral will take place thereafter in private).  

A special of this great draughts composer appeared in De Problemist October 2014.

An In Memoriam will be published in De Problemist Februari 2017.

Solutions & comments 'mini solution contest', including explanation of the Problem column
44-pages thick December issue of De Problemist!



See the program
Follow the match!

(Sources: KvD & KNDB)

            Jan Groenendijk                                                                                                                      Roel Boomstra


        Photo gallery

        Has been made bilingual and extended, including an adjusted lay-out.

        Photo's, pictures and drawings are greatly wellcomed.

        Please, help me and send something to the webmaster!

        Thanks in advance, Tom Kieboom  

Protest-problem against the sharp rule 'economic stroke': 39-33 with 5-stroke by black, followed by 48-42 etc., ending
in a motif that's sharp according to Rob Spijkers. White must go, after black's 21-27, with the king on 47 to 36 in order
to win! Arie van der Stoep also made a 'protest-problem' with a non-economical 6-stroke, see his third problem in the
Showroom of the KvD-website.                                                             (Source: Tom Kieboom, KvD-facebook November 17, 2016)

Draughts working place #50  
 Help wanted to free a 13x13 problem from a side solution  

The Problem column of Arne van Mourik 

Contains each time 30 new draughts compositions to solve,
so 180 new problems per year!

mini-solution contest for the 'not-De-Problemist-readers'
on-line: view this column and solve the problems therein.
The solutions will follow in December.

  Draughts working place #49  
  Help wanted for making a bigger problem on one
  and the same shot system of three

       How to compose a draughts problem by Serge Yushkevitch
        An international contribution of our editor from Ukaine to this series in De Problemist.
        It contains a lot of information from the draughts literature and his own experience
        about the various ways a draughts problem arises from, i.e.:
        where the inspiration might come from as well as the techniques that have been used.

        (Source: De Problemist August 2016 pp. 114-117 and the webpage Componeren/Composing)


Society of Draughts Composing (KvD) 1941-2016
View the the winning problems of category  A  and  B

Congratulations to the six prise winners:
A:  1. V. Kravtsov, 2. G. van Mastrigt, 3. P. van den Berg
B:  1. A. van der Stoep,      2. A. de Jong,        3. V. Matus

The detailed judgement is given in De Problemist of October 2016

            Tjipke Smedinga

             Chose as third problem in the Showroom a beautiful 14x14 composition,
             that was recently used by Lithuanian draughts players for an international
             on-line solution contest: "this one is nice and good work!"


LŠKMS svetaine

    2016-10-17 Attention for visitors of web site! We invite draughts amateurs from all the world 

    to participate in the non-stop contest of the solution draughts ...

        Review of K.W. Kruijswijk's booklet (2013) 'Comments on 1001 Miniatures (1939)', after 75 years!

        Quite interesting complement for those who are a bit familiar with Dutch.

        (Source: Arne van Mourik, De Problemist August 2016, pp. 142-145, and archived at Notorious)

Will now also archive our KvD-website for permanent saving. Archiving will start from November19,  2016.
Thereafter, consecutive versions will be regularly filed. See the Dutch message of KB on the request of the webmaster.

    Pieter Kuijper couldn't make a choice of which problem should be included as
    third problem in the Showroom and sent several compostions to the webmaster.

    Also he couldn't choose and opened, therefore, a so-called 'Kuijper-affiliate' of the Showroom.

    May-be, more 'personal' affiliates will be opened in the future, of/by someone else?

    Ardjan de Jong gave previously the webmaster the golden tip for moving diagrams on the website.

    Through teacher Eric van Dusseldorp, this could be realized, followed by fantastic help of Klaas Bor to
    upgrade the after some years aged applet into a modern fashion.

    A third, beautiful, problem of Ardjan is now added to the Showroom.

De Problemist of October contains 40 pages with various problems, forcings, end games,
and articles including many diagrams and photo's, worth reading from start ...

... to finish:

    Father Wim Dopheide (1891-1975) in the Showroom

    Sent from his parish in former Batavia (Dutch Indies) a number of years
    problems to, of course, the catholic Dutch newspaper 'De Maasbode'.
    In Turbo Dambase you'll find another 65 compositions.
    (Source: Arne van Mourik)

        Herman Spanjer sent the failure on the left to Henk van der Heijden.

        Is repair possible?

        Go to the Draughts working place #48.

     Leen de Rooij made a trip to Albania and composed 
    there also a number of 'foreign' draughts problems.

    Enjoy the pictures and problems of his Dutch travel report. 


Back from football to draughts. Jaap Bus wrote recently about end games:

          Feyenoord the Greatest  (51.5x51.5x11.5 cm, 860 pp, 3275 photos, 30 kilogram)
            Prohibited Tom Kieboom to visit the KvD-reunion, as he made a substantial contribution
            for the first chapter of this giant book about Cor Kieboom (1901-1982), the legendary
            chairman of this football club, and has to be present during the festive presentation
            in stadion 'de Kuip', to transport that heavy book, to unwrap and to scroll through it:

Visit the KvD-reunion on Saterday, September 10. For complete information, click here!

Jaap Bus:

Click here for the article!


    After silence during the summer holidays, Leen de Rooij
    presents a beautiful composition that surely deserves a
    more well-balanced piece distribution.
    See the Draughts working place #47: who can help?

The front page of the August issue is followed by 38 pages with columns, stories and diagrams, ending with this back page:

    Tip: search function [Ctrl]+[F] for pdf-files
    Instead of scrolling, big pdf-files on the website like the Dictionaries and the MotifMine can
    also be searched by this function: you'll see a search master right on top in which you have
    to type a keyword, followed by [Enter].
    The complete file will be searched and then every position of the keyword will be given.

      New editor of the column Forcings Oege Dijkstra, because of the 
      sudden death of Tjalling Goedemoed:

        "I didn't want to write this column, as Tjalling had to do that. For many years, he was 
        crucial as promotor of (game)problems. Rare to say in this respect: he was immortal.
        He brought me into the world of the problemists. In 2010 I published my first composition
        in De Problemist: Tjalling forced me to become a member"

(Source: De Problemist August 2016, page 128. English translation by Tom Kieboom)

5x5-miniature encore: can in mirror image be placed twice on the board
with first moves of white of the trio 18-13, 18-12 and 19-13, respectively

Holiday-5x5-miniature-strip with both 4 black and all 5 white pieces on shot*

Arised, again, by accident during an attempt to improve, in vain, a completely different problem.
Surprisingly, this jewel is not present in Turbo Dambase. Tom Kieboom, July 24, 2016.

* Concerning "All on stroke":  enjoy also the beautiful 8x7-miniature of Oege Dijkstra, in which white starts with all eight white men 
   on shot and does it again in the end with three white men and a king!

Hunt on the stroke record*: 5 black pieces on shot with 19 shot possibilities:
1x3x3x3x3x3x3x4x4x4x4x5x5x5x5x5x5x6x6 from a decent initial position,
with all nine white men on shot.
By accident, the 9x9 initial position of the left diagram 'felt' on the board.The center diagram shows the
chaos after white's move 27-22, resulting in the position with black on shot. White wins with single opposition.
How this curiosity did arise, after years' seeking for economic polystrokes, will be told later on in De Problemist.
Tom Kieboom, July 17, 2016.

* See the KvD-jubilee book of Arie van der Stoep, "Draughts with a wink", 2016, pp. 19-21 (in Dutch). The last record
   published is from Pieter Kuijper in De Problemist 9.1965, in which 5 black pieces have 10 shot possibilities.

The MotifMine

In digital form has been grown by Rob Spijkers during the last couple of
months and now contains 28,889 of his hand-written 54,493 motifs.

The parts 0, 1 and 2 have been further extended, part 3A is now added.
With fervent typing Rob hopes to finish part 3 at the end of this year!

From the collection of Wim de Zwart 15,560 new motifs were obtained.

As a homage to Jaap Viergever, one of the greatest draughts problemists ever, passed away in 2014, 
Leen de Rooij made eight arrangements on one of his motifs. 
You may see them on the sites of draughts club CTD Arnhem (, 
of the Limburg Draughts Society ( and of the draughts club VBI at Huissen (

On behalf of Leen de Rooij: "A nice start for fine holidays with hopefully good weather."

Jaap Bus:

"It is about 55 years ago that I made my first
46/5 and/or 5/46 compositions.
This article first shows a number of old ones,
followed by more recent compositions.
Though I, as contrast with the first one, give
a second Applet with a miniature forcing,
you will see a trend of reducing material
in recent years."


Arie van der Stoep

Simply allows black to catch six white pieces through 
a 1x2x2x3x3x3x6-stroke after a "Kieboom-startmove"
(as called by Pieter Kuijper in De Problemist of April
2016, page 49).

Not economic, the supporters of the Sharp Rules
will complain, while draughts players greatly will
enjoy such a moment of winning fast and sharp.

Remains the recurring question of the webmaster:
"Why, in problem making, is it allowed for white to
perform strokes without economy, but forbidden
for black to do so?"
More and more, people are getting in doubt of this SR.

        Janus Wuijtenburg
        Could create this peculiar intermediate situation, with white on move, 
        from a decent 11x11 start position.

        A moment supreme of contemplation: how to pass on?!

        View and play this composition in the Showroom (right diagram).

        (Source: De Problemist December 2015 and April 2016)

        Henk van der Heijden
        Started years ago, as draughts player, by composing problems.
        He doesn't hesitate to show many failures, which is quite 
        recognizable and instructive for both experienced and starting
        problemists. In Dutch, but you may still enjoy the diagrams and
        solutions given.
        Click here and view his story of De Problemist december 2015!  

De Problemist of June is there

View on-line the front and back page,
including its content, on true size.

Also liking to watch the other 38 pages 
with 266 diagrams?

Don't hesitate, take a subscription!

Blankenaar Endgames
Jaap Bus has wrote on his blog 'End games and more' an article about the so called “Blankenaar” endgames.
A Blankenaar is an endgame with only a few pieces (three White Kings against a King and a Man).
With mainly short combinations as variants.
The first Blankenaars are from the 19th century and the best of them are still very much worth to look at.
The solution of a Blankenaar can be quite complex, because of  the many possible moves of the White Kings
and the variety of the replies of the Blacks.
Even when using a computer program it is sometimes not evident how to select the thematic variants.
That is why I give some explanation. In particular for an extension of a Blankenaar I added to the article
because of a very surprising new variant.

Dream stroke

Arne van Mourik created from this position in a draughts
game a beautiful stroke combination towards gain!

Impressive example of how a 'draughts problem' may 
arise during and from a draughts game, taken place
recently during a Dutch draughts contest.

        Fake Timoneda's
        Contain in the initial position black pieces on 1, 6 and 25, but don't end 
        by the Timoneda-motif. According to Leen de Rooij, 'De Problemist' has
        organized a composition contest on this, about 50 years ago.
        Who knows more about it and can give information to  the webmaster?

Arie van der Stoep sent an e-mail with this information: "Derk Vuurboom, since circa 1953
editor of the Dutch newspaper 'De Waarheid' organized an international composition contest
on this sly joke, see De Problemist 1.1954 p. 3. I know this as I have collected those problems."
          Leen de Rooij   
            Presents this time the accompanying stroke system,
            for which the two kings and piece 41 has to be
            moved to the right positions.

            Unfortunately, his arrangement contains a side solution.
            Who is able to make a better problem on this?

            The webmaster has sent an arrangement to Leen,
            unfortunately again containing a side solution.
Go to the Draughts working place #46!


   Leen de Rooij
   Asks for help to arrange two ideas in a better way.

    See the Draughts working place #45.

     Ad de Hoon
    Sent again four retrograde draughts problems. Click here.
     (Permanent link to this page on the homepage and via 'Games')
Arie van der Stoep (1944) & Michel Sabater (1946)
Present as draughts friends eighteen flighty 3x3 end games.
    Born from mutual inspiration during holidays and by e-mails.
    Play and enjoy these on their webpage!

    (Permanent link on the page End games)

    Virmantas Masiulis
Made an additional two compositions on the by Leen de Rooij submitted
    difficult motif
0111  --(14) = 25(46). See Draughts working place #44!
   Tjalling Goedemoed passed away
On May 10, 2016 we received the very sad message that
    the draughts world has lost one of its greatest draughts 
    promotors, a great man and draughter, on such a young age.
    The desperation is enormous, everywhere!

    An In Memoriam will appear in De Problemist of June.

    As inheritance, Tjalling finished for us at the end of 2015 the
    final version of his impressive book 'The art of winning', an
    enduring commemoration to this draughts coryphaeus whom
    life eventually expired by 'The fate of losing'.

Our sympathies go to the family, friends and acquaintances. The website stood respectfully still for some time.  

    Leen de Rooij
Triggered quite some work in the Draughts working place by his request to
    arrange the difficult motif 0111  --(14) = 25(46) into an acceptable position.
    Even seven compositions have been made.
    Look and read further in the Draughts working place #44!

     Ad de Hoon
    Sent a next four retrograde draughts problems. Click here.
     (Permanent link to this page via 'Games')
    Alexander Michailovitsj Golubev
One of the most talented problemists of the USSR.

    His impressive worth and fast self-made growth in composing
    is described by Johan Bastiaannet in De Problemist of December 2015.

    Three of his beautiful problems can be seen in the Showroom.
    (Thanks to Ardjan de Jong for the suggestion)


       Boris Pavlovitsj Fjodorov
    Has to be considered as one of the best problemists.
        Ardjan de Jong made the remark "He must be included!"

        Three compositions have been added in the Showroom.

(Source: Johan Bastiaannet, De Problemist April 2016, page 44, diagrams 2272-2274)

    Retrograde problems
    The natural interaction between game draughts and problem making.

     The reconstruction of a problem towards the initial position of a game.

      In order to show that a problem may easily occur from a game.

A number of examples is given on the new webpage 'Retrogade'.

(Thanking Ad de Hoon for the suggestion and input. Permanent link via 'Games')

    Challenge by Leen de Rooij:
    "Who is able to make a beautiful composition on the difficult motif MM 0111 --(14) = 25(46)?"

    Look further in the Draughts working place #44.

De Problemist of April is there

View on-line the front and back page,
including its content, on true size.

Also liking to watch the other 38 pages 
with 256 diagrams?

Don't hesitate, take a subscription!

    The MotifMine now also available on-line
    The collection motifs of Rob Spijkers (53.149 data) is now for 
        almost half (26.400 data) to see on the website.
        With the MM-code, motifs may be easily found or checked if 
        a certain motif has been published already before.
        With a speed of about 50 motifs per day Rob is typing his
        remaining hand-written carts into Word.
        Every three months there will appear an update of MM.
(With thanks to Ad de Hoon, who in 2015 came with the triggeing remark: "I miss the motifs on the website.")


    How a draughts problem is created by KvD-facebook?
Firstly, a trigger of a rather difficult to arrange 6x4-stroke combination, thereafter 
    a nice pass "for further inspiration?", that finally could be utilized to make the goal!
    See the Draughts working place #41.

       Jaap Bus
      "Ed Gilbert and I further investigated how to select interesting
        never published endgames out of the many billions of positions
        in the endgame databases.
        Now we present two spectacular examples of 4x 4 compositions
        without Kings at the start." 
        Click here.      
    Leen de Rooij

    “Dear draughts friends, 
    Who would like to use the draughts board during Easter,
    may go to my column 'Easter eggs' on the sites: (draughts club VBI Huissen), (draughts club CTD Arnhem) and (Limburg draughts society).
    Fine Easter days!"

    Of course also webmaster's wish to you!

    Joost De Heer and Henk van der Heijden
    Inspired by Leen de Rooij's motif, showed  
    on facebook another three compositions.

    Ending in 'declining' motif code 2001 > 1001 > 0001.

    See the Draughts working place #43.

    Virmantas Masiulis succeded to make the best composition
    on the motif, 
MM code 2001 10.30 (--) = -- (23), of Leen de Rooij.

    See the diagram.

    All arrangements of this motif, including that of Leen de Rooij himself,
    are now shown in the Draughts working place #42 and can be played.

    Oege Dijkstra wrote in De Problemist of October 2015 how he is working
    for making draughts problems: a concise recipe containing five ingredients!
    Worthwhile and instructive to be also seen on-line (in Dutch, with many diagrams).
    Which problemist is also willing to share his/her recipe?
    Send it to Tom Kieboom!

This trio made within one and on the same day compositions on the
motif shown below of Leen de Rooij, thanks to facebook and e-mail!
See their results in the Draughts working place #42: improvement possible?
Virmantas Masiulis just sent in three compositions: see these next week! 

    Leen de Rooij, recently became BSc!

Sent enclosed motif, MM code 2001 10.30 (--) = -- (23), and asks 
    for help to arrange it into a composition.

    See the Draughts working place #42.

    Jacob Barend Sluiter jr.
Had a rather remarkable appearance: he dressed himself neatly, even a bit artistic.
    Was a real gentleman amongst the often somewhat slovenly draughts folks.
    This strong draughts player also made some tenfolds of beautiful problems.
    Three have now been included in the Showroom.

Bron: Hein Wilsens, De Problemist december 2014, p. 167-169.

On our facebook working place work has been
done on both combinations with white on shot.

The four-stroke of the left diagram could be 
arranged into a beautiful composition by
Leen de Rooij.

The six-stroke of the right diagram proves to
be much more difficult. See the working place.

    Showroom will be extended with photos of the composers
    Since they may also be 'seen' together with their problems.
    See the first three examples: Oege Dijkstra, Leen de Rooij and Arie van der Stoep.

    Do you prefer a certain photo? Send it to Tom Kieboom!

   Martin Diels (1890-1978)

   Started composing being already 75 years old!
    Three draughts problems can be seen in the Showroom.

    So, next to young members, older draughters are wellcomed in the KvD!

    WC-match draughts 2016: Jan Groendijk against Roel Boomstra!

    For the first time since 1984 (Harm Wiersma) there will be a Dutch world champion
    draughts, as the Russian champion Alexander Georgiev has withdrawn.

    Call of Arne van Mourik to all to recruit new members of the KvD
    and, in this way, more subscribers for the magazine De Problemist.

    As KvD-librarian, he has found and reproduced a 70-years-old 
    circular inwhich a similar urgent request is done.

    You can read it here and, hopefully, will bring it into practice!

    Henk van der Heijden

    Has made, in addition to the P, three other letter problemsF  &  Y  &  O.

    Now we're waiting for the missing E  &  
&  R  &  D !

(Ode to the draughts composing. Article devoted to the 75-jubilee of our Society of Draughts Composing, the KvD)
Source: Harm Wiersma, De Telegraaf Februar7 27, 2016. With big thanks to this six-fold world champion draughts!
February             This time De Problemist can be fully read on-line!  

    Historic overview of draughts.

    For more information: go to 'Books'!  
   Henk van der Heijden
   Designed this beautiful O-composition.

    Has been added to the collection 'Letter Problems'

   John Hauschild (1925-2014)
An extensive In Memoriam, by Arne van Mourik, of this problemist can be read in
    De Problemist of
December 2014, pp. 183-186, including eleven examples of his
    most beautiful compositions.

    Three wonderful compositions can now be seen and played in the
    Surprising moments during the development and remarkable strokes!

Photo Gallery
Soccer player Bertus Caldenhove
(1914-1983), 25-fold Dutch international,
moves a piece in 1935!

The draughts playing multi-year
communist dictator Fidel Castro of Cuba
makes a forcing with red pieces!

Source:  Arie van der Stoep

   Forcings of Jaap Bus
   "Because I still have quite a lot of unpublished forcings that might be
    interesting, I selected a few simple ones of them to be published on
    my Blog. Because they are simple there is not so much explanation
    or comment required."

    Click here to view them!

   Ad de Hoon, inspired by the KvD jubilee book "Draughts with a wink"
    by Arie van der Stoep, came with the suggestion to open a webpage
    'Letter problems'.

    In addition, he sent an extra number of examples.

    A first draft of such a webpage has now been made!


   Leen de Rooij has made a goal on his own assist 
    of the motif given below, as submitted by Rob Spijkers.
    However, Henk van der Heijden did found a side solution. Shit!
    Virmantas Masiulis, as magician, repaired that in a unique simple way.
    A fantastic example of the webmaster's column in De Problemist
    "How a draughts problem is arising?". See the Draughts working place #40.
Are there still other goals possible on this difficult motif? A game-like position is not required, is not possible!

Rob Spijkers 
    Received this motif from Eddie van de Acker.
    It is unknown Turbo Dambase and Motif Mine.
    The motif has two really sharp solutions, but Rob
    didn't succeed to arrange it properly.

    "Who will and can?" is his question in the Draughts working place #39!

    Leen de Rooij gave there a very nice assist. Who will make the goal?

can be read fully on-line, this time! May-be, it is also the right time to subscribe?
Members of KvD have also received the jubilee booklet 'Dammen met een knipoog'
('Draughts with a wink') by Arie van der Stoep: 90 pages with hundreds of diagrams curiosa.

Follow-up Draughts working place #37 and #38
    Leen de Rooij and Virmantas Masiulis have been busy to make compositions
    on these six motifs: see them in the working place!

    May-be, more beautiful compositions are possible on these difficult motifs?

Edvard Buzinskij
    Is not only a strong draughts player, but also known for his well-hidden 
    compositions in ordinary looking game-like positions.
    In his problems a certain stroke idea is the core of the composition.
    Whether it is sharp or not doen't really matter to him.
    Such compositions are also found in De Problemist, in the section 'Concrete' 
    of the column 'Draughts Problems' of Arne van Mourik.
    Click here to play ten of his compositions!
(Source: January 30, 2016)

Draughts working place #38
Leen de Rooij sent an improvement
of the three motifs #37 shown below.

See the draughts working place.

Can they be arranged into an acceptable
composition or is it a mission impossible?
Draughts working place #37
Leen de Rooij asks for help to arrange
these three motifs (black to move).
Preferably without a king in the initial
Leen only succeeded to make a
composition with a black king, but
contained a side solution.
        Go for inspiration to the Draughts working place. May-be, beautiful compositions are being created!

   = 75, inspired Leen de Rooij
   and sent a KvD-jubilee composition, ending in a motif with both pieces
    on the squares 5 and 15 (5x15 makes 75) and on 19 and 41 (starting year).
    The composition is shown on the home page ánd on the page 'KvD 75 years Jubilee'.


    Who knows a composition ending with a king shot 7x5,
    or can make it for our jubilee?

    Tom Kieboom couldn't find such a composition in Turbo Dambase.
    Reactions are wellcomed in the Draughts working place!
    By quick response, Leen de Rooij sent a 7x5-stroke composition: click here!

Solution Counting Puzzle: how many handshakes at a reception of 64 people?
    Ionica Smeets (culumn 'Ionica saw a number', de Volkskrant January 9, 2016)
    explained it by a story. The 1st person cannot give a hand shake (0),
    the 2nd only 1, the 3rd gives 2, etc., the last one 63. So, the total appears to be
    1+2+....+63 = 63x64/2 = 2016, the KvD jubilee year.
    As an alternative, one may use the general mathematical formula H = (N-1)xN/2, 
    with H = number of hand shakes, and N the number of persons.
    Rob Spijkers used this formula and was right, Leen de Rooij judged a 'bit high' with
    64x63 = 4032 (63 as one cannot give himself a hand shake), but forgot to correct
for double counting: 4032/2 = 2016 (i.e. 1 hand shake = 2 hands).
A more difficult question would have been: "How many persons were on the reception if there were 2016 hand
shakes given?"  In that case one should solve N from the quadratic equation "NxN - N - 2xH = 0"  for H = 2016.
Mathematics is also a useful tool in draughts, both games and compositions. For example,
the number of  motifs
of 2 black and 2 white men (as given below): Nx(N-1)x(N-2)x(N-3)/2, with N=45, is 1,787,640!

Motif '19.41=20.16'
    Seemed at first sight sharp according to: 1.19-13 20-24 2.13-9 24-29 3.9-4 
    29-33 4.4-22 33-38 5.22-39 16-21 6.39-48 21-27 7.41-36 27-32 8. 36-31+.
    I doubted, however, and placed the motif on our facebook for response. 
    Pascal Stil agreed that the first five moves were sharp, but that white after
    5. .... 16-21 also can win with 41-37 followed by 39-25, 39-30 or 39-34.
    Also after black's move 6. .... 21-27, white can win by various moves.
    Reason to call it 'Fireworks arrow': five sharp moves with a scattering ending.
    Rob Spijkers judged it, nevertheless, worthwhile to include it in the Motif Mine.
    Tom Kieboom

Counting Puzzle
    On the, imaginary, reception on behalf of the 75-year jubilee
    of the KvD, there were 64 draughts problemists present.
    How many hand shakes have been given to each others?

    Solutions, including the way it was found, may be sent to Tom Kieboom.
    The outcome follows next week!
(Source: Ionica Smeets, de Volkskrant January 9, 2016)

And our KvD facebook, less than 1 year young, already grown-up to 113 members!
    Regularly, all kinds of new draughts items, merely focused on  
    draughts composing, are being placed thereon.

    Here, as illustration how this works, a first example
    of four beautiful compositions of Roel Boomstra, including the
    reactions of fb-members. More fb-examples will follow!

Also Turbo Dambase celebrates in 2016 its jubilee: 25 jaar!

   With a special offer in order to search, see and play more than 150,000 compositions 
    ánd about 500.000 games!

    General information about  Turbo Dambase can be found on this site, 
    for information about the special offer: go to the news site Alldraughts.

    The maker of Turbo Dambase, Klaas Bor, about 25 years ago: Congratulations!
    Curious how a draughts problemist is working in order to make a new beautiful composition?

    See the article of top-problemist Jaap Bus (in Dutch, but you can enjoy the diagrams and notations)

    Source: De Problemist of June 2015!

    In addition to the SHOWROOM and the WORKING PLACE,  all the headlines of the homepage
    can now be also fully read in English, as a fresh and new start of the 2016 KvD jubilee-year:
    PROBLEMS        GAMES        FORCINGS        END GAMES        MOTIFS        CURIOSA        NEWS

Extended version 'The Art of Winning' by Tjalling Goedemoed can now also be read on-line!         
January 12, 1941 - January 12, 2016: KvD 75 years

Hotels, settlements and clubhouses
The Society of Draughts Composing: a consideration of 75 jears reunion
   A beautiful historic overview by Arne van Mourik.

    Although written in Dutch
 ("Hotels, buurthuizen en clublokalen:

    De Kring voor Damproblematiek: een beschouwing van 75 jaar reünie"),
   it is still worthwhile to scroll through it in order to enjoy the historic photos!
   (You also can buy a, black-and-white, booklet of this from Arne van Mourik)

Jubilee compositions
    This webmaster's 75 logo symbolizes the eight beautiful compositions that have
    been created for the 75th birthday of the Society of Draughts Composing (KvD).

    Upon a former request, Tjipke Smedinga has made a quartet of compositions,
    ending in the naturels 19, 41, 20 and 16, respectively, while both Hein Wilsens
    and Leen de Rooij created compositions with a jubilee-year end-stroke 20x16,
    as well as, rather wild, compositions ending in the jubilee 27/48 (=75) motif.

    Our thank is great: see and enjoy these compositions!

Tom Kieboom
    Is the first one of the new year in the Draughts working place with a first
    first attempt to create an acceptable composition on a new motif with
    MM code 3010 24.30.35 = 06 (--) with white to move.
    Unfortunately, black last move 10-15 does pain in the eyes!

    A request for improvement was also placed on our facebook with a fast
    and surprising result: within a few hours, Leen de Rooij made two really
    beautiful composition (in the blind!).
    Click here to take a look to this result!

The Olivier system
Michiel Kroesbergen did find in 2007 a beautiful combination during
    thr analysis of a game he had played. Surprisingly, the combination
    was already presented in 1953 by a composition of P. Olivier! 
    However, there were a number of shortcomings in this composition,
    and in some later attempts by others.
    Reason for Arjen Timmer dig further on this combination system,
    together with a challenge to colleague problemists to make a real
    beautiful composition. With success.
    See his story and click there again for the English summary including
    moving diagrams!

Advice of the Dutch cartoon bear Olivier B. Bumble: vieuw also Alldraughts about this and come back.

New Year's wish by Henk van der Heijden
On 'his' KvD facebook there was this 1-January-2016
Nice 'loose' composition this time, whereby all the
Strong Rules have been neglected:
- one unneconomical two-stroke
- interchangable moves
- a not sharp ending
- an impressive phanthasy initial position.

Nevertheless, such a composition also deserves
publication: may-be, somebody is able to make
it better.
Draughts players don't mind those SR's, but will
be surprised by such an initial position.

It is simply the beginning of 2016 with some humor!

X-mas draughts puzzle of Harm Wiersma

    This seven-fold world champion draughts has again published a frivolous 
    mix of draughts puzzles in De Telegraaf of December 19, 2015.
    Although in Dutch, may-be you are able to understand the meaning of these.
    Solutions can be sent in before January 23, 2016.

    Also chess and bridge have puzzles on this page: click here!

Dutch New Year's wish by Arne van Mourik: Pure phantasy on the draughts board!
KvD 75 crown year 2016! 

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